
My Birth Story

                                            My Birth Story                                                                         -Esther-  It all started the night before, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to pack my hospital bag, but I was only 32 weeks along, I had plenty of time to do that... so I didn't.  Looking back now, the motherly intuition kicks in way before you even know it, haha.  That night I went to sleep a little uneasy, I did not know why. But soon a reason to worry kicked in, my baby hadn't kicked in a while... strange, as it seemed that night time was her favorite time to kick.  I laid in bed anxious for what felt like forever, waiting to feel her move.  I somehow fell asleep, still waiting.  The next day was a Friday, and I had a  8-4:30pm shift, my favorite.  So, I got up, got dressed, and out the door I went. It seemed like a relatively normal day.  However, in the back of my head thoughts were raising, wond